Since the dawn of time, honey charm and delight: it is an ingredient of tradition. True gift of nature, it has always been used to care for and beautify the skin. In recent years, its medicinal properties are increasingly recognized and used.

Its composition

What's honey?

Honey is a sweet substance produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. Amber, golden or translucent, honey can take on different colors, and there are many different varieties. Between 10 and 25 kilos are harvested per hive per year. Honey is said to be monofloral or multifloral, depending on whether it comes from a single or multiple floral species.

On average, honey is composed of :

  • 20% floral water
  • 75 to 79% sugars, 70% of which are simple sugars, the remainder being compound sugars
  • 1 to 5% proteins, mineral salts, trace elements, organic acids (including formic acid), essential aromatic substances, antibiotic substance (inhibin), pollen grains and pigments.

Honey is a living product with over 180 nutrients.

Its fabrication

The Bee Nature honey

Man's involvement in the life of the hive is minimal. Organic beekeepers follow a certain philosophy:

  • Respect the insect's biology and natural behaviors
  • A sense of responsibility for bees
  • Respect the ethic of fair exchange: the honey belongs to the bees, not to the beekeeper, who only provides the hive
  • Preserve the environment by protecting biodiversity, forests, melliferous and nectar-producing plants. This biodiversity is the main source of pollen and nectar reserves for bees.

Its properties

Its dermocosmetic virtues

Honey is moisturizing, nourishing, healing, softening, antiseptic and antioxidant. Our skin assimilates the nutrients contained in honey very well, thanks to the meticulous work of bees. In this way, honey makes up for our skin's deficiencies, providing it with everything it needs.

The nutrients honey contains (B vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements) nourish the epidermis in depth and accelerate healing: it's ideal for eczema, cracks, burns and all types of skin lesions. Today, although its medical use is still in its infancy, its dermatological power has been demonstrated by numerous doctors and researchers.

Dr. Descotte (former head of visceral surgery and transplantation at Limoges University Hospital, and founder of the Association Francophone de l'Apithérapie) demonstrated honey's antibacterial and healing efficacy in an experiment involving over 3,000 patients. The results were positive for over 97% of them.

Its skin tolerance

Honey: for whom?

Honey is suitable for all skin types:

  • sensitive skin
  • normal skin
  • dry skin
  • combination skin
  • oily skin

    Honey nourishes dry skin and regulates sebum production in combination to oily skin. It is also an excellent ally for "problem" skin (acne, redness, etc.) thanks to its antiseptic and healing action. Honey also prevents skin aging by protecting the skin from damage caused by ultraviolet rays, providing it with what it needs to make up for any deficiencies.

    Honey also acts as a vehicle for other active ingredients: thanks to its presence in products, the plant extracts present in skincare products are better absorbed.

The foundation of our babyzz collection

Medical and sterile honey

L’utilisation de miel stérile pour notre gamme Babyzz est donc essentielle. Notre démarche R&D étant de développer les soins les plus qualitatifs possibles, avec des matières premières à haute valeur ajoutée, nous nous sommes efforcés de rechercher la solution la plus adaptée. Pour ce faire, c’est tout naturellement que nous nous sommes tournés vers le miel MGHOS (medical grade honey organic sterile) de Honeypatch. Ce miel garantit tout d’abord une origine organique et l’absence de tout contaminant (pesticide, métaux lourds, etc.). C’est en outre un miel stérile obtenu par technologie gamma. La technologie de stérilisation gamma est très bien connue, sûre et facile à valider. Il s’agit d’une méthode de stérilisation efficace et flexible.

L’objectif de toute cette démarche est donc bien de continuer à proposer nos soins les plus naturels possibles (99% voire 100% naturels), certifiés bio, avec des matières premières hautement qualitatives et efficaces, mais en tenant compte également de la fragilité particulière que représente la population néonatale et pédiatrique. La sécurité de nos produits est essentielle. Et nous sommes convaincus qu’il est possible d’allier au mieux naturalité/certificat bio et technologie permettant de préserver la sécurité de nos consommateurs.

Honey: an essential component of Bee Nature products

What are its benefits in dermocosmetic care?

Collapsible content


Its high sugar content facilitates the binding of water moleculesSoothing, softening and anti-irritating.

Nourishing, regenerating and healing

Rich in minerals, trace elements, B vitamins and amino acids, it deeply nourishes the epidermis and accelerates healing. Its 180 nutrients make up for skin deficiencies.


It helps regulate the skin's sebum production.


Its low protein content inhibits bacterial growth. What's more, some of its components (including inhibin) inhibit bacterial growth.


It protects against damage caused by ultraviolet rays and prevents skin ageing.