
Botulisme et Miel : comprendre le risque pour les bébés et les précautions à prendre

Botulisme et Miel : comprendre le risque pour l...

Le botulisme infantile est une forme rare mais grave de botulisme qui peut survenir chez les nourrissons. Une des sources potentielles de cette maladie est le miel (non stérilisé), souvent...

Botulisme et Miel : comprendre le risque pour l...

Le botulisme infantile est une forme rare mais grave de botulisme qui peut survenir chez les nourrissons. Une des sources potentielles de cette maladie est le miel (non stérilisé), souvent...

Bee Nature : c'est aussi pour les femmes enceintes !

Bee Nature also for pregnant women.

Many well-known foods should be avoided by expectant mothers. But did you know that certain cosmetic ingredients should also be avoided by pregnant women? We tell you all about them!

Bee Nature also for pregnant women.

Many well-known foods should be avoided by expectant mothers. But did you know that certain cosmetic ingredients should also be avoided by pregnant women? We tell you all about them!


What is Slow Cosmetics?

As you probably know, Bee Nature® has obtained since 2014 the Slow Cosmetic® label. But what is Slow Cosmetics?According to their charter “Slow Cosmetics is a militant movement for an alternative...

What is Slow Cosmetics?

As you probably know, Bee Nature® has obtained since 2014 the Slow Cosmetic® label. But what is Slow Cosmetics?According to their charter “Slow Cosmetics is a militant movement for an alternative...


Apitherapy and Apidermatology – The products of...

Moisturizing, antiseptic and healing, honey has been recognized for centuries for its many virtues. But honey is not the only treasure produced by bees. The hive abounds in other elements...

Apitherapy and Apidermatology – The products of...

Moisturizing, antiseptic and healing, honey has been recognized for centuries for its many virtues. But honey is not the only treasure produced by bees. The hive abounds in other elements...


Silicones in (dermo)cosmetics

Silicones are widespread substances found in cosmetics. It's quite difficult to get rid of them, as they take a long time to disappear, both on your body and in nature....

Silicones in (dermo)cosmetics

Silicones are widespread substances found in cosmetics. It's quite difficult to get rid of them, as they take a long time to disappear, both on your body and in nature....

Pourquoi éviter les parfums synthétiques ?

Why avoid synthetic perfumes ?

Phthalates, synthetic musks, petrochemicals, alcohol, etc. are all ingredients that can be found in the fragrances of our everyday products. These substances have been singled out by numerous studies which...

Why avoid synthetic perfumes ?

Phthalates, synthetic musks, petrochemicals, alcohol, etc. are all ingredients that can be found in the fragrances of our everyday products. These substances have been singled out by numerous studies which...